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Discover the secret to youthful skin with our recommended water intake for glowing, wrinkle-free results.
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People who drink large amount of water are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles and they won’t shows the signs of aging as those who drink little amount of water. The recommend amounts of water that you should be drinking according to experts are 3.7 litres for men and 2.7 litres for women. This includes any beverages, fruits and a vegetable with high water content.Research suggests that drinking these amounts of water keeps your skin supple.

Drinking water does not contain any carbohydrates, sugar and fiber .It helps to regulate body temperature and keep you cool. This is notably critical during strenuous workouts or elevated temperatures.

If we look at some people who is having soft skin they used to say drink enough water. Yes, it’s absolutely right even gentle use of water to wash face it clears the oily look. Olden days they would have used rice water on their face as toner twice a day .Soaked or boiled rice water stored in a spray bottle can be directly used on our skin. We can use even cotton ball or pad to apply it on the face, keep it on 30 minutes and then wash with warm water will give best result.

Around 60 percent of body made up of water. Water is essential for the kidneys and other bodily functions. To function properly all the cells and organs the body needs water. Because it lubricates the joints, reduce the tooth decay, it delivers the O2 throughout the body, boosts the skin health and beauty, it flushes body waste, it makes minerals and nutrients accessible, helps weight loss and it avoids kidney damage.

Even so many benefits of drinking water might create risk. The centers for disease control and prevention advises people not to drink six cups per hour. Because our kidneys can’t get rid of excess water. This called hyponatremia and it can be life -threatening Drinking too much water leads to negative effects on brain function.

For game, on average female athletes should consume about 4 liters and male athletes should consume 5.7 liters for men. Water is usually sufficient for shorter events, but for prolonged or intense activities sports drinks containing electrolytes can be beneficial.Eventhough, Sports drink should not consumed daily as they contain high level of salt and sugar


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