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Discover the Secrets of Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant
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A miracle plant is none other than our succulent plant aloeVera. It originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows widely and distributed everywhere. Aloe Vera is a stem less plant that grows in hot, dry climates. This plant can bloom once it reaches the age of 4 year old. Aloe vera flowers yellow or pink in color and its shape tubular. The age of aloe Vera plant nearly 12 years depends on the care we take on them.

Aloe Vera widely used for cosmetics and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The great Alexander used aloes Vera to treat soldiers soothe burns wounds and fever. Because of its anti inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound healing properties.Perhaps, one of the most widely used herbal remedies for topical skin conditions. It approximately contains98.5% of water, remaining solid compounds they included are vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phenolic compounds and organic acids.

Naturally we can eat aloe Vera to cool our body I experienced and our neighbors also would eat this often when they wish to cool their body.

Once harvest the aloe-Vera, some yellow gel starts to leak we should wait until its drip off and the cut the edges gently then take the gel by spoon. Then wash the gel thoroughly before intake. Sometimes people can make it juice to drink. Nowadays, many products have made up of aloe Vera gel for face wash, aloe Vera shampoo, body lotion etc..Some manufacturers even mix powdered aloe Vera with water to sell. But pure aloe Vera gel from at least 95% aloe Vera juice.

The best medicinal values of aloe Vera commercial value of the products also increased. Forever living products is the largest grower and manufacturer and distributor of aloe Vera products in the world. The aloe Vera gel from forever helps improving health and also nourishes our skin and hair. Many of forever contains aloe vera, some products high in percentage.1. Forever aloe vera gel-99.7%, 2.aloe Vera gelly -85%, 3.aloe first-80%.I conclude with this utilize nature friendly aloe vera for your well-being.


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