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A warehouse of nutrition in green leafy vegetables.

powerhouse_NutritionDiscover the nutritious and traditional food habits of rural areas, where ragi kali with keerai kadaiyal is a staple for maintaining strong and disease-free bodies.
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Habits of eating ragi kali with keerai kadaiyal still presents in our rural area. If we walk along the road and we can see the village grandma making kali and kadaiyal.After heavy farm work they would like to eat nutritious food to strengthen their body. Because of these food habits they have been living their life without any disease. Leafy green vegetables are a various group of vegetables known their vibrant green color and abundance of nutrients. For healthy diet if we regularize the green leafy vegetables for variety of foods it will enhance our body health and improve immune system. And also the best ways to eat green leafy vegetables are not fully cooked.

With these Green leafy vegetables we can make full nutritionals food without any loss of minerals, highly nutritious and healthy. Lettuce is a one kind of spinach mostly prepared for salads and other kind of foods such as soups, sandwiches and wraps a burger at restaurant we could see. .Hindi people used to call this as “salad ka patta” Another one best green leafy vegetables can call as karam saag(kale) the family of cabbage and which is having 4 times vitamin C than spinach and also a beta carotene .By making juice, sautéed with veggies and salad of kale will help the vision

A super food enhances our health by reducing inflammation and sugar control, boosting immunity and promoting heart health is our Broccoli. I used to give steamed broccoli for my daughter because it has the anti cancer properties .However over consumption of broccoli may leads to constipation.

The iron rich curry leaves avoids the hair fall and nourish the scalp and provides healthy hair growth. My suggestion is make the curry leaves kulambhu which will be healthy for your body and sometimes with other ingredients also make oil for head. Nature has given abundance of benefits by spinach is the mostly we can get everywhere and it is the king of green amongst all of them. Just one leaf contains 20 different


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